Chapter 2 Introduction to Survival

Welcome to the Survival Analysis module! This document will be periodically udated throughout the course. As always, first thing we need to do is get all of the packages needed for the course:




The data sets we will be using are located on AWS in the survival2024 bucket. Here is an example code of how to get the bladder data set from this bucket:


#Finding the AWS S3 bucket
  bucket = "s3://survival2024/",
  region = "us-east-1"
## [1] TRUE
## attr(,"x-amz-id-2")
## [1] "K3+MZUIyd4CdPJGEfISfaCJLzWgILm12SfAZfAyqQS56/XQNHtZblqAM1REKMSlnQ+YUZYuDe1FIh4Jj1H6J4LmR++Wwmq/e"
## attr(,"x-amz-request-id")
## [1] "6NFN042BEY69199M"
## attr(,"date")
## [1] "Sun, 03 Nov 2024 19:13:11 GMT"
## attr(,"x-amz-bucket-region")
## [1] "us-east-1"
## attr(,"x-amz-access-point-alias")
## [1] "false"
## attr(,"content-type")
## [1] "application/xml"
## attr(,"transfer-encoding")
## [1] "chunked"
## attr(,"server")
## [1] "AmazonS3"
files <- get_bucket_df(
  bucket = "s3://survival2024/",
  region = "us-east-1",
  max = 20000
) %>%

#Downloading files
  object = "bladder.csv",
  bucket = "s3://survival2024/",
  region = "us-east-1",
  file = "bladder"
## [1] "bladder"
#You can now start Wrangling the data...
df <- read.csv("bladder")

##### Datasets on AWS for survival:
# bladder.csv
# heart.csv
# hurricane.csv
# leaders.csv
# liver.csv
# loyalty.csv
# lung_R.csv
# recid.csv
# recid_lag.csv
# recid_long.csv

To perform a survival analysis, you need to identify which variable has the “time” information and which variable contains the “censoring” information. This is done through the Surv function. We should always visualize our data and one of the most useful visualizations is the Kaplan-Meier curve (also shown in the code below).


# Create a Survival Analysis Object 

# Create a Kaplan-Meier Survival Curve with Censoring 
simple_km=survfit(Surv(time = tenure, event = censored)~1,                      data = simple)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(time = tenure, event = censored) ~ 1, 
##     data = simple)
##  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     2      6       1    0.833   0.152       0.5827            1
##     3      5       1    0.667   0.192       0.3786            1
##     7      3       1    0.444   0.222       0.1668            1
##     8      2       1    0.222   0.192       0.0407            1
plot(simple_km, main = "Survival Function", xlab = "Tenure", ylab = "Survival Probability"), censored)~1,data=loyalty)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(Tenure, censored) ~ 1, data = loyalty)
##  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1    250       2   0.9920 0.00563      0.98102        1.000
##     2    245       5   0.9718 0.01052      0.95135        0.993
##     3    235       8   0.9387 0.01535      0.90907        0.969
##     4    220       5   0.9173 0.01772      0.88327        0.953
##     5    207       4   0.8996 0.01946      0.86226        0.939
##     6    197       2   0.8905 0.02031      0.85155        0.931
##     7    189       1   0.8858 0.02074      0.84603        0.927
##     8    177       6   0.8557 0.02338      0.81112        0.903
##     9    169       4   0.8355 0.02493      0.78804        0.886
##    10    160       1   0.8303 0.02531      0.78211        0.881
##    11    156       4   0.8090 0.02681      0.75811        0.863
##    12    144       2   0.7977 0.02759      0.74547        0.854
##    13    137       5   0.7686 0.02949      0.71294        0.829
##    14    128       2   0.7566 0.03023      0.69963        0.818
##    15    120       6   0.7188 0.03242      0.65796        0.785
##    16    107       3   0.6986 0.03354      0.63590        0.768
##    17    103       1   0.6919 0.03389      0.62851        0.762
##    18     96       1   0.6846 0.03430      0.62062        0.755
##    19     94       2   0.6701 0.03508      0.60473        0.742
##    20     89       2   0.6550 0.03587      0.58836        0.729
##    21     86       1   0.6474 0.03625      0.58011        0.723
##    22     82       2   0.6316 0.03705      0.56302        0.709
##    23     76       1   0.6233 0.03748      0.55400        0.701
##    24     73       1   0.6148 0.03793      0.54474        0.694
##    25     71       3   0.5888 0.03918      0.51680        0.671
##    27     63       1   0.5794 0.03966      0.50671        0.663
##    28     59       2   0.5598 0.04067      0.48550        0.645
##    29     57       2   0.5402 0.04155      0.46457        0.628
##    30     54       1   0.5302 0.04197      0.45397        0.619
##    31     52       2   0.5098 0.04276      0.43249        0.601
##    32     50       3   0.4792 0.04369      0.40077        0.573
##    35     44       3   0.4465 0.04459      0.36713        0.543
##    36     40       3   0.4130 0.04525      0.33321        0.512
##    42     31       1   0.3997 0.04571      0.31944        0.500
##    43     29       1   0.3859 0.04616      0.30526        0.488
##    44     27       1   0.3716 0.04661      0.29062        0.475
##    48     24       1   0.3561 0.04717      0.27471        0.462
##    51     18       1   0.3364 0.04852      0.25351        0.446
##    53     17       1   0.3166 0.04954      0.23295        0.430
##    60     12       1   0.2902 0.05196      0.20429        0.412
##    64     11       1   0.2638 0.05352      0.17726        0.393
##    78      8       1   0.2308 0.05607      0.14339        0.372
##    80      7       1   0.1979 0.05694      0.11256        0.348
##    83      6       1   0.1649 0.05619      0.08454        0.322
##    95      4       1   0.1237 0.05523      0.05153        0.297
##   105      3       1   0.0824 0.04988      0.02518        0.270
##   114      2       1   0.0412 0.03836      0.00665        0.255
##   129      1       1   0.0000     NaN           NA           NA
plot( = survfit(Surv(week, arrest)~1,data=recid)
## Call: survfit(formula = Surv(week, arrest) ~ 1, data = recid)
##  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     1    432       1    0.998 0.00231        0.993        1.000
##     2    431       1    0.995 0.00327        0.989        1.000
##     3    430       1    0.993 0.00400        0.985        1.000
##     4    429       1    0.991 0.00461        0.982        1.000
##     5    428       1    0.988 0.00515        0.978        0.999
##     6    427       1    0.986 0.00563        0.975        0.997
##     7    426       1    0.984 0.00607        0.972        0.996
##     8    425       5    0.972 0.00791        0.957        0.988
##     9    420       2    0.968 0.00852        0.951        0.984
##    10    418       1    0.965 0.00881        0.948        0.983
##    11    417       2    0.961 0.00935        0.942        0.979
##    12    415       2    0.956 0.00987        0.937        0.976
##    13    413       1    0.954 0.01011        0.934        0.974
##    14    412       3    0.947 0.01080        0.926        0.968
##    15    409       2    0.942 0.01123        0.920        0.964
##    16    407       2    0.937 0.01165        0.915        0.961
##    17    405       3    0.931 0.01223        0.907        0.955
##    18    402       3    0.924 0.01278        0.899        0.949
##    19    399       2    0.919 0.01313        0.894        0.945
##    20    397       5    0.907 0.01395        0.880        0.935
##    21    392       2    0.903 0.01425        0.875        0.931
##    22    390       1    0.900 0.01440        0.873        0.929
##    23    389       1    0.898 0.01455        0.870        0.927
##    24    388       4    0.889 0.01512        0.860        0.919
##    25    384       3    0.882 0.01552        0.852        0.913
##    26    381       3    0.875 0.01591        0.844        0.907
##    27    378       2    0.870 0.01616        0.839        0.903
##    28    376       2    0.866 0.01640        0.834        0.898
##    30    374       2    0.861 0.01664        0.829        0.894
##    31    372       1    0.859 0.01675        0.827        0.892
##    32    371       2    0.854 0.01698        0.822        0.888
##    33    369       2    0.850 0.01720        0.816        0.884
##    34    367       2    0.845 0.01742        0.811        0.880
##    35    365       4    0.836 0.01783        0.801        0.871
##    36    361       3    0.829 0.01813        0.794        0.865
##    37    358       4    0.819 0.01851        0.784        0.857
##    38    354       1    0.817 0.01860        0.781        0.854
##    39    353       2    0.812 0.01878        0.777        0.850
##    40    351       4    0.803 0.01913        0.767        0.842
##    42    347       2    0.799 0.01929        0.762        0.837
##    43    345       4    0.789 0.01962        0.752        0.829
##    44    341       2    0.785 0.01977        0.747        0.824
##    45    339       2    0.780 0.01993        0.742        0.820
##    46    337       4    0.771 0.02022        0.732        0.812
##    47    333       1    0.769 0.02029        0.730        0.809
##    48    332       2    0.764 0.02043        0.725        0.805
##    49    330       5    0.752 0.02077        0.713        0.794
##    50    325       3    0.745 0.02096        0.705        0.788
##    52    322       4    0.736 0.02121        0.696        0.779
ggsurvplot(, data = recid, = T, palette = "purple", xlab = "Week", ylab = "Survival Probability", legend = "none", = 0.1)

2.0.1 Python for Survival Curves

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sksurv.nonparametric import kaplan_meier_estimator
from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter
from lifelines import NelsonAalenFitter

simple=pd.DataFrame(data={'Censored': [1,1,0,1,1,0], 'Tenure': [7,8,10,3,2,3]})
km = KaplanMeierFitter() = simple['Tenure'],event_observed=simple['Censored'])
## <lifelines.KaplanMeierFitter:"KM_estimate", fitted with 6 total observations, 2 right-censored observations>
##           removed  observed  censored  entrance  at_risk
## event_at                                                
## 0.0             0         0         0         6        6
## 2.0             1         1         0         0        6
## 3.0             2         1         1         0        5
## 7.0             1         1         0         0        3
## 8.0             1         1         0         0        2
## 10.0            1         0         1         0        1
##           KM_estimate
## timeline             
## 0.0          1.000000
## 2.0          0.833333
## 3.0          0.666667
## 7.0          0.444444
## 8.0          0.222222
## 10.0         0.222222
plt.title("Survival Plot using K-M")


2.1 Stratified Analysis

We can look at Survival curves segmented into different groups or strata (if we want to see if the likelihood of survival changes based on what group you are in). You need to define the variable that creates the strata in order to create this analysis. As always, to truly see if there is a difference, you should perform a statistical analysis test (there are two different tests illustrated in the following code).

Loyal.KP2 = survfit(Surv(Tenure, censored) ~ Loyalty,data=loyalty)
ggsurvplot(Loyal.KP2,data=loyalty,palette = c("blue","orange"), = T)

Recid.KP = survfit(Surv(week, arrest) ~ wexp,data=recid)
ggsurvplot(Recid.KP,data=recid,palette = c("blue","orange"), = T,legend.title = "work experience", legend.labs = c("no", "yes"))

Testing differences in survival curves:

# Test for Differences in Survival Curves #

# Log-Rank Test
survdiff(Surv(Tenure, censored) ~ Loyalty, data=loyalty, rho=0) 
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = Surv(Tenure, censored) ~ Loyalty, data = loyalty, 
##     rho = 0)
##             N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## Loyalty=0 183       67       65    0.0595     0.176
## Loyalty=1  67       39       41    0.0944     0.176
##  Chisq= 0.2  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.7
# Wilcoxon Test 
survdiff(Surv(Tenure, censored) ~ Loyalty, data=loyalty, rho=1) 
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = Surv(Tenure, censored) ~ Loyalty, data = loyalty, 
##     rho = 1)
##             N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## Loyalty=0 183     49.6     49.3   0.00155    0.0063
## Loyalty=1  67     24.9     25.1   0.00303    0.0063
##  Chisq= 0  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.9
# Log-Rank Test 
survdiff(Surv(week, arrest) ~ wexp, data=recid,rho=0)
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = Surv(week, arrest) ~ wexp, data = recid, rho = 0)
##          N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## wexp=0 185       62     45.6      5.91      9.91
## wexp=1 247       52     68.4      3.94      9.91
##  Chisq= 9.9  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.002
# Wilcoxon Test 
survdiff(Surv(week, arrest) ~ wexp,data=recid,rho=1) 
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = Surv(week, arrest) ~ wexp, data = recid, rho = 1)
##          N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## wexp=0 185     55.0     39.9      5.75        11
## wexp=1 247     44.4     59.5      3.85        11
##  Chisq= 11  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 9e-04

2.1.1 Python for stratified analysis



ax = plt.subplot(111)

loy = (loyalty["Loyalty"] == 0)
kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()[loy], event_observed=cen_loy[loy], label="No program")
## <lifelines.KaplanMeierFitter:"No program", fitted with 183 total observations, 116 right-censored observations>
kmf.plot_survival_function(ax=ax)[~loy], event_observed=cen_loy[~loy], label="Program members")
## <lifelines.KaplanMeierFitter:"Program members", fitted with 67 total observations, 28 right-censored observations>

plt.title("Loyalty program")

Using the recidivism data set.

from lifelines.statistics import logrank_test

recid = r.recid


ax = plt.subplot(111)

no_work = (recid["wexp"] == 0)
kmf = KaplanMeierFitter()[no_work], event_observed=cen_recid[no_work], label="No prior work")
## <lifelines.KaplanMeierFitter:"No prior work", fitted with 185 total observations, 123 right-censored observations>
kmf.plot_survival_function(ax=ax)[~no_work], event_observed=cen_recid[~no_work], label="Work experience")
## <lifelines.KaplanMeierFitter:"Work experience", fitted with 247 total observations, 195 right-censored observations>

plt.title("Work experience")

results = logrank_test(time_recid[no_work], time_recid[~no_work], cen_recid[no_work], cen_recid[~no_work], alpha=.99)

## <lifelines.StatisticalResult: logrank_test>
##                t_0 = -1
##  null_distribution = chi squared
## degrees_of_freedom = 1
##              alpha = 0.99
##          test_name = logrank_test
## ---
##  test_statistic      p  -log2(p)
##            9.91 <0.005      9.25
## There is also a multivariate_logrank_test for when you have more than two groups to compare and a pairwise_logrank_test to do multiple comparisons.

results = logrank_test(time_recid[no_work], time_recid[~no_work], cen_recid[no_work], cen_recid[~no_work], weightings="wilcoxon",alpha=.99)

## <lifelines.StatisticalResult: Wilcoxon_test>
##                t_0 = -1
##  null_distribution = chi squared
## degrees_of_freedom = 1
##              alpha = 0.99
##          test_name = Wilcoxon_test
## ---
##  test_statistic      p  -log2(p)
##           10.98 <0.005     10.09

2.2 Hazard function

We are able to calculate hazard probabilities and cumulative hazard functions in R.

# Calculating Hazard Probabilities 
h= simple_km$n.event/simple_km$n.risk
index.h=rep(0,length=(max(simple$tenure)+1)) #Need to add 0
index.h[(simple_km$time)+1]=h #Because of 0
haz.plot=data.frame(cbind(seq(0,max(simple$tenure)), index.h))

h =$n.event/$n.risk
index.h=rep(0,length=(max(loyalty$Tenure)+1)) #Need to add 0
index.h[($time)+1]=h #Because of 0
haz.plot=data.frame(cbind(seq(0,max(loyalty$Tenure)), index.h))

h =$n.event/$n.risk
index.h=rep(0,length=(max(recid$week)+1)) #Need to add 0
index.h[($time)+1]=h #Because of 0
haz.plot=data.frame(cbind(seq(0,max(recid$week)), index.h))

ggsurvplot(, data = recid, fun = "cumhaz", = TRUE,  palette = "purple", xlab = "Week",           ylab = "Cumulative Hazard", legend = "none")

###Cumulative hazard function

h= simple_km$n.event/simple_km$n.risk
index.h=rep(0,length=(max(simple$tenure)+1)) #Need to add 0
index.h[(simple_km$time)+1]=h #Because of 0
haz.plot=data.frame(cbind(seq(0,max(simple$tenure)), cum.haz))
ggplot(haz.plot,aes(x=Time,y=Hazard))+geom_line()+labs(y="Cumulative Hazard")

  data = recid,
  size = 1,                 
  palette =
    c("blue","orange"), = TRUE,          
  pval = TRUE,              
  risk.table = TRUE,        
  risk.table.col = "wexp",
  legend.labs =
    c("No", "Yes"),    
  risk.table.height = 0.25, 
  ggtheme = theme_bw()      

2.2.1 Python for Hazard function

km_val = km.event_table

hazard = km_val.observed/km_val.at_risk

## event_at
## 0.0     0.000000
## 2.0     0.166667
## 3.0     0.200000
## 7.0     0.333333
## 8.0     0.500000
## 10.0    0.000000
## dtype: float64
cum_haz=NelsonAalenFitter() = simple['Tenure'],event_observed=simple['Censored'])
## <lifelines.NelsonAalenFitter:"NA_estimate", fitted with 6 total observations, 2 right-censored observations>